Tienda “La Pandémica”

Bienvenidos - Welcome to my first ever art store, “La Pandémica”! This is a collection of darkroom prints, paintings, Polaroid images, artifacts, sculptures, and writings. Some date back to the earlies 2000s, while others are the product of current projects, such as the crest created for my series El Pájaro Nacional/The National Bird. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or special requests, you can reach me via Email.

Thank you for your kind support!


*Keep in mind that these prices are in US Dollars.

“ Speaking of Happiness By Gloria Lynne.” - “ Hablando de Felicidad Por Gloria Lynne.” Oil on masonite. 12 x 12 inches (30.48 x 30.48 cm.) 5/6, from a series. 2020. Framed in Natural Maple Float Frame.

“Coyote: Puedo caminar en un lago congelado, sin resvalarme, atravesar paredes, el suelo y hasta volar.” - “ I can walk on frozen lake withou slipping, through walls, the ground, and even fly.” Oil on masonite. 12 x 12 inches (30.48 x 30.48 cm.) 4/6, from a series. 2020. Framed in Natural Maple Float Frame.

“Goose: Bajo una noche con una estrella brillante el coyote me dice: ‘lo que más me molesta son las politicas exteriores.’ “- “Under a night with a bright star el Coyote tells me: ‘what bothers me the most are foreign  policies.’ “ Oil on masonite. 12 x 12 inches (30.48 x 30.48 cm.) 2/6, from a series. 2020. Framed in Natural Maple Float Frame.

“House plants” series. B&W Polaroid film. 7 prints. 4.25 x 3.5 inches. 2020

“La hoja del árbol de aguacate poniéndose seca,” Gelatin silver print. 2014. 8.5 x 11 inches. 1/1

“El Brazo”, 2014. Gelatin silver print. 8.5 x 11 inches. 1/1

“Only Worth Dying”
Crest, 1.5 x 1.5 ”, series of 50. 2020

“Hoja del árbol de aguacate”, from a series. 2011. Gelatin silver print.
8.5 x 11. 1/1

“El Árbol de Aguacate”, series, 2011. Gelatin silver print. 8.5 x 11 inches. 1/1

“Goose public speech: ‘Everytime I meet with a coyote, I shed my skin.’ - To the Coyote: ‘ Meeting you made shed my skin.’ ” Oil on masonite. 12 x 12 inches (30.48 x 30.48 cm.) 1/6, from a series. 2020. Framed in Natural Maple Float Frame.

“La fruta del árbol de aguacate,” 2014. Gelatin silver print. 8.5 x 11 inches. 1/1

“Flower”, 2011.
Gelatin silver print.
8.5 x 11 inches. 1/1

“El Árbol de Aguacate”, series, 2011. Gelatin silver print. 8.5 x 11 inches. 1/1

“La Palma”, 2011. Gelatin silver print. 8.5 x 11 inches. 1/1

“Coyote: tengo labios rojos, parpados de montañas, y ojos que solo miran al infinito.” - “I have red lips, mountain eyelids, eyes that only look to the infinite.” Oil on masonite. 12 x 12 inches (30.48 x 30.48 cm.) 6/6, from a series. 2020. Framed in Natural Maple Float Frame.

“Standing next to a tree, he dessapears.” - “Parado al lado de un árbol, él se desaparece.” Oil on masonite. 11 x 14 inches (27.94 x 35.56 cm.) 3/6, from a series. 2020. Framed in Natural Maple Float Frame. <<<SOLD>>>

“El puño,” 2011. Gelatin silver print. 8.5 x 11. 1/1

“Popcorn”, prototype, sculpture. Wood panel, sculpting wire, molding exposy, and acrylics. 6 x 6 x 6.5 inches .2018. 1/1

“Gum”, prototype, sculture. Wood panel, molding exposy, and acrylics. 6 x 6 x 6.5 inches. 2018. 1/1

“Saludo”, “Coyote’s salute.” 2019. B&W Polaroid film. 4.25 x 3.5 inches. 1/1

“untited”, from a series. Archival inkjet black and white print. 8.5 x 11 inches. 2020

“Basura” from a series. Archival inkjet black and white print. 8.5 x 11 inches.

Cherry Wood, Copyright 2025.